What Our Director of Operations Really Does All Day A Slice of Life with Gil Vizconde

Looking back at Gil’s “In It for the Money” from months ago, here’s how he described his daily routine:

“I, ‘manage vendor relationships with several key outside contractors—3PL, logistics and distribution, IT programmers, and other consultants’ as well as ‘manage inventory’ and be ‘responsible for all budgets in these key areas, as well as special projects.’”

. . . That sounds fancy and all, but here’s a more realistic list of his day-to-day agenda:

1. Shoot Nerf darts, using pictures of Carolyn, our VP of Sales and Randy, our national sales manager, as targets.


2. Re-pot his favorite Knock Knock plant, “Betsy.” “Betsy” has since been renamed, “Two-Spoon Betsy,” since she is now held up with the aid of two plastic spoons.


3. Look at pictures of baby penguins. (This picture may or may not have been enhanced.)