I’m Panicking Right Now Head Honcho Hello for June 2014

Reasons to Panic books
Our "Reasons to Panic" collection, including "Panic about Marriage," "Panic about Having a Baby," "Panic about Getting Old," and our upcoming title, "Panic about Becoming a Cat Lady," which will be available in June.

For the Spring 2013 season, we came out with the first two books in our now bestselling 100 Reasons to Panic series. As many of you know from previous posts or because you’ve got eagle eyes on our product as it evolves and morphs over time, we love to use content and concepts from previous product when we can. Yes, …

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View from my window of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain. Yep, that’s where I am right now, typing away on my laptop!

This month’s Head Honcho Hello is happily coming to you from Granada, Spain, where I am visiting my childhood best friend, Arielle. Arielle was one of the reasons I moved to Los Angeles in the first place, in 1998, but three months before I was to arrive, she announced that she was going to spend a year in Spain living …

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Valentine’s Day: Realities Don’t Always Rhyme HEAD HONCHO HELLO FOR FEBRUARY 2014

NOSTALGIA 2014: My still-sentimental self thought this 2004 pad could revive a time when every kid in the classroom got valentines. Then again, was that time actually so idyllic? Navigating classroom valentine dynamics was serious and humiliating stuff.

The best Valentine’s Day of my life was in high school, and I can’t say that many since have even come close. Kind of sad that the standout was twenty-five years ago. By contrast, I seem to have a great New Year’s Eve—the other over-promise-and-under-deliver holiday—about every five years, separated by ones that aren’t merely mediocre but instead pretty much …

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